ZNSDI – Zambia National Spatial Infrastructure
Project Name: ZNSDI – Zambia National Spatial Infrastructure
Client: Federal Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Environment Protection
Country: Zambia
Website: www.nsdi.mlnr.gov.zm or www.map.gov.zm
The Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection is embarking on the National Land Audit and Land Titling. The Ministry has also been developing a new Zambia Integrated Land Management Information System (ZILMIS). ZILMIS will operation Oracle database. However, there is currently no good quality national detailed map that can serve as a base map for the creation of the cadastral base in the new land information system. Currently the Ministry does not have any accurate coordinated cadastral maps that cover the whole country. Mapping at high accuracy (Cadastral Scale) is required to serve as the hub for the National Land Audit and Land Titling, and national development in areas of development of infrastructure like roads, water reticulation and waste disposals, electricity utility power lines and other usages in physical planning and land use.
Therefore, the Ministry has hired Sivan Design D.S. Ltd. to provide the following data services:
a. Aerial Photography of main cities – aerial photography at 10cm resolution of about 1,800 square km comprising the total area of the 15 main cities in Zambia.
b. Aerial Photography of state land -aerial photography at 20cm resolution of about 36,500 square km, comprising most the area defined as “State Land Areas”
c. Satellite imageries of townships -procurement of satellite imageries for 88 townships nationwide. The imageries are Pleiades 50cm resolution – a coverage of about 25 SQ/KM per township (2,225 SQ KM).
d. Satellite Imagery of the state wide area – procurement of satellite imagery covering the rest of the country area. The imageries are Spot 6/7 at 250cm resolution for 712,089 SQ KM.
e. Digital Ortho-photo- generation of digital Ortho-photo from the above stated resources.
The project also included Design and Implementation of a Spatial Data Infrastructure- that includes:
a. Centralized Geo Spatial Database- Design, development and installation of a centralized Database that will be accessable to all stakeholders.
b. Web Map Services- Development and installation of Web Map Services to enable publishing the data to various stakeholders, including the Mapping output (orthophoto and other layers).
c. National GIS Portal (Geo-portal) – Development and installation of a National GIS Portal to enable publishing the data to the public.
All activities include extensive Capacity building- Capacity building on Surveying, Orthophoto generation and SDI usage & management.
Client Needs
The Ministry’s broad objectives were to create a reliable Hub for all the Geographical Data in the country, enabling the achievement the following goals:
- Creating the basis requirement for Titling at a Statewide Level, enabling recognition of people’s right on their land.
- Create the basis for updating the Topographical Maps of the Country.
- Create an Hub that will enable sharing and coordinating Geographical data between Ministries and other Agency.
- Increase government taxes revenue
- Increase productivity
Project’s Process
The Zambia NSDI is a geospatial information system with a centralized database Replicated in 3 sites: at the Ministry, at the National Data Centre and at the National Remote Sensing Centre.
The entire data set has been collected and is awaiting Ground Control Survey, to be carried out by the Survey Department of the Ministry. The Survey will enable accurate registration of the data and correct loading it to the System.
The Portal has been installed at the Ministry for Ministry users and at the National Data Centre for the General Public. The Portals have yet to be finilised and aproved.